Monday, March 4, 2019

34 Weeks (March)

I need to do a baby poll and see what people think for birth date, weight, hair color, eye color, and whatever else is on those things. I've been thinking about this and then I read last time that I said the same thing.
Wow I can't believe how much rounder and not low my belly is this time.
I run monthly challenge groups and tell them to take pictures. So I took some. If I take some this pregnant then they better take some. 

Dave felt the baby moving for the first time.

I had 2 appointments this week. The first appointment was a special 32 week ultrasound (but was late because they were booked). They were worried about small birth size based on a low placenta protein level. I wasn't worried!  They took measurements and overall say he's 79th percentile. The huge number is head width. The technician took it like 30x and would jump back to the other screen writing down a smaller number if she managed to get one. She'd try from various angles. That percentile was >97.7 and that's the highest percentile they list. It was just interesting to watch her keep trying to retake the measurements.

Fetal Biometry
BPD 91.7 mm 37w 2d
HC 318.9 mm 35w 6d
AC 300.1 mm 34w 0d
Femur 67.5 mm 34w 5d
EFW 2,492 g
Calculated by: Hadlock (BPD-HC-AC-FL)
EFW (lb) 5 lb
EFW (oz) 8 oz
MVP 8.0 cm
AFI 17.8 cm
FHR 141 bpm

My 2nd appointment was a regular appointment. She was going to do an ultrasound but she didn't need to since I had the ultrasound already that showed the baby position. We talked about my bad back pain. She told me I shouldn't vacuum, sweep, change sheets, or bend to pick things up. She might have said something else.  It sure make sit hard to clean up the mess of a house not doing those things but then not doing those things really does help not trigger the crazy sciatica pain. Some days my back is better than others but mostly pretty awful. I can't stand the messy house so then I do things that are bad for it.   I have given the pregnancy band another try. The doctor said I should. I don't do as much as before. I also take it off before sitting. 

Size of baby: Cantaloupe, 17.7 inches long from head to heel. My app on my phone says the baby weighs about 5 pounds.  The app always spelled cantaloupe wrong so now I don't like it as much. At the ultrasound this week the baby measured 5 lb 6 oz but then there's a high + or - after that since they say they aren't that accurate. I hope he's smaller!

Total Weight Gain/Loss:  32.8 lb gain overall. I gained 1.6 lb in the past week.  

Maternity Clothes:  maternity tops, maternity shorts. Athletic pants, yoga pants, carpis are all non maternity. Tops are too dang short.  My hoodie won't zip now but I still wear it. The maternity hoodie I have doesn't have pockets.

Gender: Boy

Movement: There is a lot more movement and now seeing my belly move is a lot more visible.  It's different to feel butt and not head like I felt with Ella. 

Sleep:  I wish Miles slept more. It'd sure help me. I wake up a few times to pee. The cat wakes me up. Sometimes Ella wakes me up. Miles and Ella stay up too late. Miles wakes up in the night sometimes. Miles wakes up far too early thinking it's morning. I have issues falling back to sleep when I am woken up for some reason. 

What I miss: Running. Everything else that I miss is so much lower that it's not even worth mentioning. I want to RUN! I keep seeing people out running. I even see them run in the rain and I'm jealous. 

Cravings: Nothing

Aversions: Nothing

Symptoms: My back hurts pretty often. Sometimes things trigger sciatica pain and then that sucks the rest of the day. My legs are cramping up at night and it sucks. 

Best moment this week: I don't know. I was so exhausted and in so much pain. Miles not napping and staying up really late doesn't help. 

Looking forward to:  Getting Miles transitioned to the bunk beds so the room is ready for a baby. Figuring out a name! 

Exercise:  I didn't exercise at all. I'm a mess. 

Same this time: All times I complain about shirts being too short. Dave has sciatica pain 2 of 3 times. My back hurting is common. I didn't have sciatica pain the first time though.  I'm to the point of sleeping in the t-shirt my brother gave me when I was pregnant with Ella. It's the only one that fits anymore. Apparently standing gets me lightheaded all the time.

Different from last time: I can't seem to come up with differences besides with each pregnancy I'm less prepared buying stuff but I already own stuff I just don't have things out. Oh I did have to have a special ultrasound this time. My belly definitely seems way rounder this time.

34 Weeks with Ella
34 Weeks with Miles

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