Friday, July 30, 2010

Being Objectified

Brie made a post recently about being objectified. This made me think I should write one about my thoughts since they are different than almost every person I've ever talked to.

I think being objectified is good. I like the looks. It makes me feel like I'm pretty in some way.

But then I also think it depends on the person doing the objectifying. For example one time I went into a restaurant to buy a gift certificate and most of the guys in there had the jobless look about them and it felt creepy when I felt their glances coming my way but then at work I enjoy feeling the glances come my way.

Granted I don't think I'm that observant when it comes to people looking at me or not looking at me so maybe i just don't notice the creepy guys doing it.

Brie mentions being whistled at in her post and I was whistled at once and I was very flattered. Yet I didn't know how to react.

When I notice people staring at me when I'm walking, I turn the other way to allow them to keep looking.  I don't want to make eye contact because when I do they turn away. I figure whey not let them look while I'm walking.

Sometimes in the cafeteria at work I would see an attractive female walking by and I would then look at the guys eating to see when/if they would turn to look at her.  This was actually quite fun. Some guys even practically turned around in their seats to check someone out.

I have friends who disapprove of all forms of objectifying. Sometimes I wonder if they like it but they say they don't just to fit in with the rest of the crowd.

I think objectifying someone is a form of a compliment and I love compliments.

I almost feel there was a correlation to me not caring what other people thought and thinking I looked good and the amount of stares or compliments I got. The more I cared before, the more I wanted to be looked at and the more I wasn't looked at.

Well I guess that is all I will ramble. I probably should reformulate this into paragraphs instead of random sentences but I have posted enough today and nobody will read this anyway.


  1. I read it, and I'll comment as soon as I can in more detail. So HAH!

  2. "Sometimes in the cafeteria at work I would see an attractive female walking by and I would then look at the guys eating to see when/if they would turn to look at her. This was actually quite fun. Some guys even practically turned around in their seats to check someone out."

    This is super fun to do. I do it all the time. It sometimes makes me feel all angsty because I don't get checked out much (maybe the reason why I don't mind being objectified is because it barely happens to me?), but sometimes I criticize the girls who get checked out for stupid stuff.

    Gosh, I'm shallow.

    But I did read! And I have read your other posts too. I just have not had a lot of comments since you mostly say everything I would think of.
