Monday, July 12, 2010

A Day's Worth of Twitter

07:32:49 AM - The first female that saw me today complimented my purple shoes. I didn't even know her.
10:45:02 AM - I got a 2nd compliment on my shoes. Nobody commented on how there is a stain on my shirt either.
10:46:14 AM - my shoes look blue in pictures instead of purple :(
12:04:00 PM - I used to think I wasn't awesome at anything and just did things. but now I think I am pretty good at some of the things I do.
12:06:43 PM - 3!? I only thought of 2. RT @briecs: @SmilinColleen I can think of at least three things you are no less than awesome at.
12:45:15 PM - @briecs oo spreadsheets. I'm not even that good though. also never thought of spaghetti sauce.
12:45:32 PM - FYI it is very hard to schedule meetings between 6 or 7 VPs.
12:59:12 PM - This is not supposed to be bent. And now it doesn't work
04:26:35 PM - someone saw me in the hall. then she comes to my desk says "this will sound really gay but that skirt looks fabulous on you"
07:13:07 PM - I got home from work and Poly was so excited to see me but then I went out and pulled weeds. So now she won't leave me alone but also bites.
07:18:38 PM - Poly got distracted by my drawstring shorts.
07:19:16 PM - Better pic
10:12:46 PM - my gut is sticking out right now & I'm just leaving it go. The athletic shirt is too short so it'll just show my gut in another min anyway
10:15:34 PM - i forgot to wear mygowear for body pump. I suck.

You can find me as @smilincolleen on Twitter.

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