Tuesday, October 16, 2018

LIIFT4 Week 1

I started a new workout program.  I did B4LIIFT for a week then started the 8 week program.

The schedule is Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday.   I did my videos on Monday, Tuesday, Friday, and Saturday. I ran 6 times on Thursday so was not doing a workout video too.

Day 1: Chest/Triceps
Didn’t hit start in the video so missed first 2 sets. That sun. Ahhh I need curtains over sliding glass door if nap time is my workout time
 Day 2: Back/Biceps

Thursday I ran.

Day 3: Shoulders
Also Miles spilt apple juice on the floor. Apparently I did a bad job cleaning it up. It was a bit sticky. I need to mop before tomorrow.

Day 4: Legs
My glutes were sore on the warmup so the workout was rough. Ella came down when she finished her necklace.
I modify high knees always. #momproblems. Ella says she did he entire workout. Miles said he did the entire workout too. Haha

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