Wednesday, October 17, 2018

8 Weeks (September)

Miles is way more clingy that he was.  I'm so tired.  I still have a hard time believing I'm even pregnant. I'm not lightheaded. I'm not so lightheaded I can't function. I keep thinking this must mean I'm not really pregnant.

Size of baby: raspberry, 1/2 inch (12.7 mm)

Total Weight Gain/Loss: I gained 0.3 lb this week so now I have lost a total of 5.6 lb. 

Maternity Clothes: No but sometimes I feel like I'm showing a little by the end of the day.  My shorts are so loose in the legs now but fit normal around the waist.

Sleep: I'm not sleeping enough. Miles and Poly seem to wake me up way too early every single day. I'm sleeping pretty well. I'm tired at night but not falling asleep right away because I have to many to do list items going on in my head. I'm very overwhelmed lately.

What I miss: Having a desire to eat.

Cravings: Nothing.

Aversions: Food in general. Nothing is appealing. Even when I cook, I tend to eat half of what I use dot and that's after forcing myself to eat for a full hour.

Symptoms: moody and exhausted. One night I was also nauseous.

Best moment this week: Not sure. 

Looking forward to: Actually telling people. My doctor appointment on September 17.

Exercise: Running, weights, workout videos, mini challenges. I'm feeling so exhausted after running.

Same this time: I had the same same looking forward to. I also couldn't think of a best moment.  I seem to be more similar to Ella's pregnancy than to Miles's. Like my aversion to food. I know people this time (and with Miles) so then I am more conscious of what I'm saying. Last time I was complaining a lot to people about being so tired and I feel like I'm doing the same thing this time. 

Different from last time: I'm not getting sick just thinking of foods like I did when pregnant with Miles.  I don't need to keep crackers everywhere with me like I did with Miles. 

8 Weeks with Miles 
8 Weeks with Ella

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