I was just thinking how I got pregnant again just after getting content with my weight and my body after having Miles. It took almost 2 years. It was so much harder to lose the weight after having Miles than after having Ella. Will baby 3 be even harder!? I'm not looking forward to that.
How many weeks: 6
Size of baby: 1/4 inch, Lentil
Total Weight Gain/Loss: 5.1 lb loss overall. I lost .5 from Week 5 to Week 6. (I lost .7 by this point when I was pregnant with Ella and I lost 2.1 lbs by this point when I was pregnant with Miles.)
Sleep: My sleep seems to be the same as it was before I was pregnant.
What I miss: having a throat that doesn't hurt. This is just because I'm sick and not pregnancy related though.
Cravings: Give me all the cheese.
Aversions: Besides cheese, I don't have a desire to eat food at all.
Symptoms: I'm slightly lightheaded in the mornings when I get Miles. It's like I need a few minutes to slow down but then I'm fine.
Best moment this week: Not sure. Nothing crazy happened.
Looking forward to: Actually telling people. I just want to tell someone a few times a day. I have to consciously not. My doctor appointment on September 17. I want to tell people in person. I mostly told people over text, hangouts, or the phone the last few times. I can't think of anyone right now that I told in person. I want to at least tell someone in person to properly see their reaction.
Exercise: Running, videos, weights until I got sicker so Thursday, Friday, and Saturday I did not workout.
Same this time: I still can't believe I'm pregnant sometimes. I was starting this post going to write that but read the last post and saw I thought the same things when I was pregnant with Miles. I'm doing similar exercising as last time. I'm looking forward to the same thing.
Different from the first time but the same as last time: I didn't list being lightheaded as a symptom when pregnant with Ella but mentioned it with what I miss. From what I remember, I was a lot more lightheaded then. I actually feel like maybe I'm not really pregnant because how can I not be lightheaded. I felt the same way when pregnant with Miles though.
Different from the other times: I am craving food. I am not taking prenatal vitamins like I should be.
Not telling people is so hard! I love that you only wanted to eat cheese.