Thursday, August 19, 2010

A Day's Worth of Twitter

07:00:03 AM - Today I'm guttier than I have been in as long as I can remember. Too bad my fitness assessment is today. My numbers will be bad. Sucks.
07:11:14 AM - Trucks should not be allowed on 228 if they can't go more than 20 mph up the hills. It's a 50 mph road.
12:08:33 PM - Lots of back to back meetings suck.
12:38:25 PM - You'd think rebooting would make my computer run better.
01:05:06 PM - nobody ever emails me anymore. (personal email. work email I still get way too many)
03:40:44 PM - I signed up to donate blood next Tuesday.
06:24:06 PM - I sweat like crazy anymore but today was the worst sweat dripped in my eye during the chest and triceps tracks. I'm gross.
08:42:39 PM - I have a wedding to go to Saturday and still don't know what to wear and I still have to make a card.

You can find me as @smilincolleen on Twitter.

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