Monday, August 16, 2010

Pepperoni Bread Recipe

This one is my recipe. My gram's was similar except she made homemade dough so basically it was totally different.

Use Rhode's pizza dough. 
Thaw in the fridge and then thaw on the counter 
Roll out and put mozzerella and pepperoni on it. 
Roll it up.
Cook at @ 400 degrees for 20 minutes. 

Now here are the details if that isn't enough for you. 

Thaw the dough in the refrigerator and then on the counter. I always find that you have to let it thaw on the counter longer than it says or it is too cold to work with. 
I noticed my garage fridge must be much warmer, I could work with it much sooner than expected. Garage fridge dough on the top, normal fridge on the bottom. 
Don't forget to spray the plate and seran wrap with pam.
I get 6 loaves out of each bag of the bread dough. To do that each one of the loaves above into 2.  I used to make smaller pepperoni rolls  but they take longer and there is too much dead space at the edges without pepperoni. 
I used sliced mozzarella now and sandwich pepperoni.  The trick is you have to pre-cook the pepperoni. You do not want all the grease in the bread.  Just look at the grease on the paper towel above. 33 seconds per plate is enough. 

In each roll I prefer 20-25 slices of pepperoni but 15 is workable too.  4-6 slices of cheese is all I use.
Make sure you roll the dough thin enough and get the dough to be able to roll multiple layers with pepperoni in between.  Many people make the mistake of having the dough too think and thus also have the mistake of not having enough pepperoni, but I do think that most people like/tolerate less pepperoni than I like. I just want it to be great so I make sure I have enough.  The entire reason I didn't use all of my dough is because I miscalculated my pepperoni/cheese ratio.  I always do.  2 lbs of pepperoni and 1.5 lb of mozzarella was not enough.  It would have been great if I only made 1 package of dough. I wasn't sure if I was buying 1 or 2, when I ordered the pepperoni and mozzarella. 

One loaf
To get it to brown nicely I started to spray with olive oil before putting it into the oven.
To get the bread to stay together and stop it from opening in the oven, I use an egg to "glue" the edges together.

Put it in the oven on foil and on a pan but make sure the pan is not cheap. I have one cheaper pan that was a 3 pack and the bottom of the pepperoni bread burns before the rest is cooked. Our more expensive heavier pans are much much nicer.  

If you don't eat it fresh, then it is best to slice it and then heat it for a few seconds. Heating it makes it seem so fresh.  After cooking and before eating, I wrap in foil and store in the fringe. I have never made enough to freeze any yet.
I made 2 packages of dough this time (well 1 2/3). Every other time I've made 1.  In college I had to use different brands of dough and it was never nearly as good.

How I plated the pepperoni bread for Emily's party.
Well that was probably way more detailed than you wanted. Hopefully I look at it next time to remember how much of each to buy.

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