This morning was really hard to wake up. I hit snooze a lot. We watched TV instead of listening to howard while we were hitting snooze. Somehow it even took me longer to get ready than normal.
I packed a lunch and donuts. I ate both throughout the day.
Today was Day 1 of me eating at my desk since Jen is gone.
I did a ton at work but also did nothing. That's how it always goes. I did some work tonight since I didn't get enough done during work.
I went to the gym for 4:30 instead of my normal 5. I did the Blaster video. It was 15 minutes. It was no where near as challenging as the one last week. This week we get extra punches for going to it though so maybe I will go again. Seems silly though. Then I did the Body Pump Challenge at 5. This was not like normal body pump. We lifted heavier than normal. We did a set and then our partner did a set. We did 2 sets of everything except 3 sets of biceps and triceps. My biceps are much much weaker than my triceps.
Station 2 was Clean & Press and Static Lunges
Station 3 was Bicep Curl and weighted dips
Station 4 was squats and alternating power lunges
Station 5 was overhead press and abdominals.
Warmup was the warmup from combat. Cowldown was stretching but not our normal stretching since it was 2 people per mat. We had a partner so that someone could spot us. We were supposed to have someone who matched our lifting ability but my partner could do about half what I could do. We just used 2 separate bars. 2 people had to help get the weight on my shoulders for squats and now I know another reason why I like the smith press over using a free standing bar for squats. I will probably forget to tell Chad that reasoning but I really want to tell him.
That workout was so hard. I have never been so sweaty just from lifting. I took my picture while walking to the car. I probably shouldn't post gross pictures of myself like this. Oh well.
In the middle of the Body Pump challenge I smashed my finger. The weight that smashed me was less than at Ikea but this one left a mark. It hurts less but i think it's because of the angle my middle finger is when I type over the angle my pointer was last week. Also you use your pointer more than your middle finger. It is very hard to photograph, but I tried. The picture doesn't do it justice. I can't believe I smashed 2 fingers in 8 days. I think previously I smashed my finger in 2nd grade in a door at school and I smashed my finger in college in Gravester's car door. I still have a bump from the door at school and my finger is still crooked from Gravester's car.
I had an Italian Hoagie from Adrian's and a protein bar for dinner.
We watched politics while I ate. Dave was already eating dessert while I got home.
Sarah Palin was complaining about Obama's inexperience so then Ed did a comparison. It was so funny that I took a picture.
After dinner, I showered. Then we relaxed. Finally I did some work while watching 15 minutes of Dancing with the stars and then a full episode of Criminal Minds. Then I was off to try to complete more things on my to do list. One of the things was to update my calendar site. I am keeping up with the current month but still have December, January, and February to finish up. The to do list is back to having 42 things on it. It started with 40 and went up to 43 at it's max. I already completed a total of 30 things too. I have reprinted it a few times. Some things are more difficult than others to do. One thing on the list will take me about 3-6 hours tomorrow and Wednesday. Another thing will take 10 minutes but driving there will take 40 and driving home will take 40.
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