Thursday, March 18, 2010


Someone was in my cube. At the time that they left I noticed an IM blinking on my screen so I went to click on it. Well I knocked over my water at that time. The up had a lid. Very little spilled but some did.

I wiped off the keyboard.  The L key wouldn't work. Everything else was fine.  I typed using my laptop keyboard. But then ; stopped working and also zeros kept typing across the page. They either didn't type or constnatly typed like i was holding down the button.

This meant it was new keyboard time. Luckily my admin had a keyboard.

Not so lucky that the keyboard sucks. Backspace is over too far.  Also the type of keyboard is different so this takes some getting used to. It also is more painful for my hurt finger.

The Toshiba one is the broken keyboard.


  1. You look like you need more pens. I'm going to buy you some pens for Easter.

  2. Funny you say that. All my pens are so close to dying. My admin doesn't have any replacement blue pens either.
