I woke up at 8:30. It was nice to sleep in a little.
I typed some numbers. Whatever I did took longer than I expected. I woke up to 0 new emails. It was quite sad.
Then I went to go run. Dave has been telling me to go run at the track. I kept insisting that it would still be snow covered. He thought it would not be. I went there to run to save 40 minutes travel time. Well it was not cleaned off.
So I was right and I wasted 5 minutes or more going to check it out.
Then I got to North Park. The weather was nice. Funny how 32 is "nice."
I ran 5 miles (the loop). Then I turned around ran .25 and turned around again to get back to where I started. Totalling 5.5. I thought my training plan had me running 5 and I was running extra. I was wrong. I was supposed to run 6. I was mad.
and man was my hair gross under that ear warmer. I probably didn't need it. By the end it was pretty warm.
I had removed my gloves with 1 or 2 miles to go and had them in my pockets.
At the 4 or so mile mark a girl passed me. She's probably roughly my age. She was going slightly faster than me. i kept pushing myself to try to keep on pace with her. That is probably why I ran so much faster today than the last 2 times. I was also jealous of how she could spit while running. I need lessons on how to do that I think. During the 5 mile run, I passed 6 people and 2 people passed me.
The girl that passed me kept turning back to see how close I was. I think she was sad she didn't widen the gap more than she did.
46:29 was my 5 mi time. The last half doesn't count because I ran slow to cool down. The first time I did the loop it was 48:58 and the 2nd time was 50:12.
See I actually typed my splits today
I also do other numbers stuff but i used to do it for a 5k and 10k so I should switch stuff.
I came home, iced my knee, showered, and then ate lunch.
I ate leftovers from the cheesecake factory and then ate some pasta, broccoli, carrots with cheese thing.
I really have to remember to document my food for gowear fit for how many calories I've consumed. I've probably done 3 out of the last 10 days. It really messes up my graphs.
I took pictures of the shoes I bought yesterday.
brown = $4.99 and black = $9.99
After 1.5 years, I finally used the pine filler to touch up the spot on the stairwell that was bumped with the headboard.
I still have to sand it. I think it's dry now.
I went for a walk with Dave in our plan.
Apparently it wasn't even coat weather.
One of the parts of the fence on the common ground is different than the others.
Lots of people were out for walks.
The snow is falling off our porch roof.
We decided we'd go to costco. We didn't have intentions of buying anything but felt like just going.
We went Panera first. (I got Broccoli and Cheddar soup with a french baguette.) Then we went to Bed Bath and Beyond. We used our gift card we got for Christmas.
Then we went to Costco.
We filled our cart.
We spent 280. Then I realized we forgot stamps so I bought those. 43 more bucks.
But there was a whole ordeal with the paying process. So I get in line and Dave says he's tuckered and going to the car. Then I realize they only take Amex or a debit card. Well Dave told me just last week to take extra cards out of my wallet. Well I listened to him. He claimed I didn't need them. He was wrong. I also couldn't use my PNC card because my account is the primary one and we don't keep much money in at all. So I had to use my work Amex. Well Dave was walking out of the store I tried to call him to get him to come back to use his PNC card. Well he doesn't answer. Then he calls me back. I explain it all. We get off the phone. Then he calls me back while I'm trying to check out and tells me to use my PNC card even though I already explained my PNC dilemma. I had to use my work Amex. Now I have to figure out how to pay that.
Big ordeal. I was very upset.
But also while at costco, Haley got me upset for 2 reasons so I was already worked up. By the time I loaded the car myself, I was super worked up. Dave always quits before we are done and never lasts but ALWAYS wants to waste time at the electronics.
Before Costco we got Krispy Kreme donuts. We got 2 dozen.
I did 2 loads of laundry today. 1 yesterday.
I got all the SU supplies ready to give to someone who couldn't make the party.
My dozen
There are 4 missing now though.
me today:
OK we need to find spots for what we bought at Costco
This place is a pig sty. I can't believe people are coming over next Satuday.
I brought work home to do. I've been bad at doing the work on the weekends.
We're watching the Visitor now.
I'm wondering what I missed.
I can't believe how long it takes to make these posts.
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