Sunday I woke up late. I enjoyed sleeping in. It was late for a normal late but then we changed the clocks so it was even later than normal. Then as always I wasted too much time on the computer.
Then I went for a run. I was going to go to North Park but thought with a 20 minute drive I would not get the run in before it rains. I decided to do a loop around our house instead. The training plan said to do 6 miles. I had to wing it to get 6 miles.
See other post for the loop that I did. But that loop was part of the 5k loop that I will be running at the end of May. Then I did that twice. I didn't think that was quite 6 miles so then I added a little by going down my street and going on Horizon, Butler Street Extension, Ridge, and back onto my street.
The last 15 minutes of my run were in slight sprinkling. When it started to rain, I was probably 10-15 min from my house in either direction.
My hip started hurting while running and my shins. I iced my hip when I got home. Dave asked me how old I am because of hip pain. My hip wasn't so bad until I stopped running. I got done running and forgot to stretch. Then my calf got really tight and for a few hours it was tight. That will teach me to not stretch and also to not drink enough water. Well hopefully it will teach me.
I take lots of screen shots of my splits and pictures of me after all the time so then later when I scrapbook I will have them. I hope I actually get time to scrapbook.
I don't know why I take pictures of myself after my runs because I always look the same.
I didn't know map my run would work so we drove out the route later. Driving was slightly less than what the website shows.
Then it was time to shower, eat a quick bite, and then off to Ikea.
We wanted a "dresser" of some sort to go where the TV stand is now. We have a TV mount so I want to mount the TV and have furniture below the TV. We don't have enough drawer space now.
We found one we liked. Then we ended up getting the one with an additional drawer. The TV will be a little higher but I love additional drawers.
Then we decided to also buy a little dresser for in the closet since I don't have enough drawer space for all my workout clothes.
Well getting the dresser for under the TV is when I smashed my finger. That was quite a smash. It didn't bruise. I did get a white dot on my finger nail and that was it. The figure still hurts (2 days later).
You can barely tell in the picture but here it is.
The dresser had 2 boxes totaling 113 lbs but I'm not sure how heavy the box was that smashed my finger.
The dresser for in the closet was out of stock so we didn't get that.
Then it was off to PF Changs. They had a wait so we killed time at Giant Eagle.
The Giant Eagle was out of range so then we missed our page. Grr. We still didn't wait too long anyway.
I love PF Chang. I wish it was closer.
I got Chang's Spicy Chicken and white rice. Dave got dumplings and chicken fried rice. Dave thought there was no way I'd eat all my food. I did and I ate some of his.
all done
Then we got dessert that Dave loved and I didn't. I ate the fruit. I took the fried stuff off the bananas to eat them.
I get home and realize some jewelry is all tangled in my purse. Jewelry that I took off after work and before the gym.
Then I was hungry. Dave wasn't hungry yet. I ate chip n dip.
I did laundry and we watched The Departed. Then it was time for bed.
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