Last night the first dream I remember was of me running a 5k. Then my next dream I was running a 5k. Both were at Norwin.
I was so cold when my alarm went off that I didn't want to wake up. Finally I got warm in the bathroom so then I was able to get dressed. I checked the weather and it said at 9am it would feel like it was 64 degrees.
I wasn't sure what time to get to the school. Apparently I wasn't clear with my parents if we were all going in one car or what. My mom's alarm didn't go off. I hit snooze on mine. The night before I said maybe I'd get there at 7:30. Registration was from 7-8.
The weather was colder than it was predicting.
Well I got there at 7:48. We went together and parked in the band practice field. Timmy drove separately to come take pictures.
We got there, I got out of the car and headed to find registration.
Later I learned that 300 people pre-registered and 400 people registered the day of to run. Except only 387 runners were on the results list so I don't know what the deal is.
The timing chip was a kind I hadn't used before. I used the kind that you attach to your shoelace and the paper kind with a circuit on them. This one was different. It made me feel like a criminal. It was an ankle bracelet. I said good thing I got there early because I thought that I had to get used to something on my ankle. I was right. After awhile I didn't notice it at all. I really didn't.
I got my chip and registration bag and headed back to the car to hang out for 5 minutes or so. Then I got out to warm up. That's when Timmy showed up. I ended up jogging to his car but by that time he was not at his car and he was around lots of people. He was ready to leave.
While warming up I saw numerous people in orange vests. Some said police but others said crossing guard or school guard. I tried to get a picture but my iphone doesn't have a zoom or focus so it is hard to tell.
The weather got colder but it still predicted getting warmer.
Timmy took my picture from a distance. I had just jogged and was looking for him and about to stretch.
I stretched. They started their opening ceremony around 8:30. I couldn't really hear any of it. That went on until about 9:05. The race was supposed to start at 9. Then maybe around 9:10, we actually started the race.
We ran around the high school and started down the hill. We started fast. I could tell. I was really worried it was too fast.
As we continued down and then over around the streets, I hit the 1 mi mark at 7:40.
Then it was time to run up the hill. The hill was awful. It was up and a little around and then more up and more up. I hit the 2 mile mark with a little more up to go. I got to 2 miles at 17:50. During the up hill I took off my jacket and then handed it to my dad at one point. You can see my carrying the jacket.
The last mile only had a little bit of hill.
Luckily my mom got 2 pictures at the end because Timmy's card decided to hate him and he lost the last 50 pictures he took.
More pictures are on my picasa. Even more will be on later. I didn't really upload many that Timmy took.
I thought I would hit about 29:00 for the 5k because of all the hills. Well I crossed the finish, took off my ankle bracelet, and then talked to my family. I forgot to even look at my watch. I think they had a digital count too and I didn't look at that. Then I looked down and it was 28:30. I didn't know what my time was. I wanted to wait until they posted the results. Well after an hour, the results still weren't posted.
We decided to go home change, come back to see the results, and then go out to lunch.
When we returned, the results were posted, but not where they said they would be.
My time was 26:28. I was 7th for my age group (20-29). 3rd for my age group was 24:22 (if I remember correctly) and I guessed if I wanted a place for my age group I'd have to get 24:30 so I was really close.
I was 141/367 that got timed. I was a half second behind the girl that I am ahead of in the picture above.
I was shocked how many other events and things they had going on besides the race. Also I was shocked at all the people that were there.
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