I took a couple pictures of my arm muscles and my leg muscles. So there may be a new LJ icon coming soon.
I started my picture collection on one of my craft room walls.
I went to Giant Eagle to buy bruschetta and a dip. Then McGuinnis sisters for parsley and a dessert.
I wanted hot dogs too but I forgot.
My Giant Eagle trip was a bit eventful.
Since it hurts to type I will copy what I had in an email.
Some kid can't park. Hits car beside him. (i didn't see this. i saw him eying up the damage and then getting back in his car) I think he's about to leave so I get out pen and get plate and get a picture
Some lady walks by and goes "Nuh uh" and stops him. Then 3 sec later when kid back in car lady comes out with her groceries. Was her car.
No need for my evidence. She was putting stuff in her car so I go and tell her since she didn't see her mirror yer. Then kid gets out of car. So I leave
Kid was at most 18
Ladys car who got hit was maybe My age
Lady who stopped kid the first time had to be 50.
I will add that i heard the kid apologizing to her saying "i'm really sorry about this" "i'm really sorry about all this"
at first i wasn't sure if he did damage because you know how if you bump a side mirror sometimes they just move and don't get damaged. but if he was apologizing maybe there was damage too. i didn't have time to eye up the damage, i was just getting plates and pictures in case he tried to leave.
my note:
the cars:
We finally hung up the picture in the dining room.
My first outfit of the day
Instead of preparing for the dinner, I watched Dave play his video game, Heavy Rain. He had to change a diaper in it. He thought it was crap.
He also had to give the baby a bottle.
At one point he was female and the character showered. I was surprised the game shows butt and boobs.
I noticed the picture in the dining room but forgot to say something. Fail!
ReplyDeleteI really want to play that game again...
I don't really want to watch it again.
ReplyDeleteOnce our computer comes for the bedroom, you can come play it downstairs while I watch TV upstairs... I wonder if other people get together to hang out like that.
ReplyDeleteChances are good that when you're changing a baby's diaper, it is crap.
ReplyDeletedave can't say he's never changing a diaper now because he did in his game.
I won't make you.
ReplyDeleteIt's not a big deal. I don't want you to get sick of me. ;)