Monday, April 4, 2011

Reason #39 - Why I Watch a Lot of TV

This is what is on my lap... and I cannot disrupt her so I am forced to watch more TV.

Photo taken on April 2, 2011


  1. LOL! You sound like me!!! When Bella's on my lap, I'm like, "Oh, babe... Can you do _____. Bella's holding me down."

  2. haha.

    My mom emailed me today after I sent her this link to tell me I'm just like my dad. Apparently he would watch TV for hours while we slept on him.

    Sometimes Poly is on Dave (OK often) and then he wants something. I tell him I'll get it and he can't disrupt Poly.

  3. Absolutely justified, then.

    I remember when my cat used to like human affection. Those days are long gone. As long as we feed her regularly, she can't be bothered to notice we're there.

  4. Kileen, Thanks. Poly probably appreciates being called cute. She's a big ham.

    Sarah, How old was your cat when it stopped wanting affection? Poly is only 1.5 years old.

  5. I like the back of the cardigan!

  6. I just want to snuggle with that cat. She looks so soft and cuddly!
