Saturday, April 9, 2011

Day 19 - Orange (4.5.11)

It is hard to wear orange and not look like Halloween.
I wore my hair up and I feel like it looked OK in these pictures but by halfway through the day I had been fixing it so much that it made it look dirty and it also didn't look nice.
These are the shoes that I got stuck in my heating vent but I still wear them anyway.
I wore these earrings because the orange ones that match the necklace are MIA.
Do you want to know when I bought my clothes or for how much? I stopped listing it when I started making my photo with the arrows.

I've been trying to wear these pants more because well I need to get more wears out of them so the cost per wear is less so I don't feel like I wasted my money on them.  I'm still probably at $10/wear and I want it to be $1.
I slept in because Poly was sleeping on my arm. Isn't she cute?
I did not go to the gym or run after work because we had to get home to get our patio estimate at 5:00.  I even had to leave work earlier than my normal time.  Dave and I did Tae Bo so at least we got a workout in. It was pretty short but I was dead. I'm not used to tae bo or body combat anymore.


  1. Yes, I want to know when you bought things and for how much.

  2. I like this outfit. It's creamsicley. Also the green bracelet is a nice touch.

    I bet you could Sharpie the heater vent marks off of those shoes.

  3. Mike, OK I'll go back to listing them since nobody else gave an opinion, yours wins.

    Callie, now i want a creamsickle.
    I think I thought of using a sharpie but then figured, nobody would tell from a distance anyway.

  4. Oh - I forgot to weigh in about times/prices. I think it's nice to know.
