Today I showed up 12 minutes late to a 30 minute meeting and I got there and feel like I didn't miss a thing.
I also called into a meeting 7 minutes late and still had to wait 9 more minutes for the person to open the call in number. Meetings are awful but then meetings where the people running them are late are the worst.
I wanted to leave work early. I did not. I left at 5:45. I got home before Dave because he was working late for once and then he went to the gym. I got to crop a few pictures while waiting for him. I also got to have my new idea fail and then snag it stopped working the way I thought and any time I'd insert text it'd end up disappearing. I don't get it. I gave up.
I had Chick-fil-a salad again. It is pretty good.
We watched American Idol, Smash, and then MSNBC. While watching TV, I was lying down on the chair and a half. Lying down is a little hard on a chair but I make it work. But then Poly decided to jump up and sleep in my nest. She was too cute so I suffered with my legs half falling off the edge. I did throw in some laundry to be a little productive.
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