We did 2 laps on the trail instead of 3. But she walked a few times. I went ahead once but she kept walking so i doubled back to motivate her to run again. With a few minutes left my orthotic dented my foot again. I say dent because it looks like a cut but the skin is not broken. Because I walked with my friend some, my time was slower than normal. Roughly 36 minutes to complete 3.6 miles counting the walking.
Then we came in and used the ellitpical for 10 minutes since we didn't get our third lap in. We were close on time but also my injured foot couldn't handle running anymore.
I got back upstairs at 12:50. I had a meeting at 1. I forgot to account for time to eat lunch. Oops. I ended up eating most of it after the meeting (ended at 3). I realized I hate DiBella's hoagies. I keep trying to like them. Dave loves them. He makes me go there once a week. I can't get through a hoagie ever anymore. So i saved the rest of my hoagie for lunch tomorrow and ate a bunch of club crackers. I ate 16 and there are 11 left if I want a snack tomorrow after the hoagie sucks.
At 5 it was off to Body Pump. Some tracks were rougher today and some easier. I was also still sore from Tuesday. The leg tracks were easy.
Then I go home to get Wendy's. After I ate 2 burgers and nuggets, I separated the Stampin' Up order that arrived. It was from the party a few weeks ago. Man it took forever to split up. I was shocked. Originally I didn't think the order was that big but it was big in number of items not in size of items so I got tricked. It took until 7:51 to separate it out. It needed to be done by 8 so I was close.
Then I watched the biggest loser and read facebook. Then I watched another Biggest Loser.
I decided I'm going to spinning in the morning. Tomorrow I'm so busy. Spinning, shower, then HURRY to get to my meeting, meeting, assign IRs (even through lunch), then leave to get to an NA-YGN function that will go late.
Saturday I will walk with Brie at 9am at North Park. I have to leave for a wedding at 1:45 that day (or earlier) and I still don't know what to wear to the wedding yet...ugh.
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