Wednesday, January 26, 2011


So Dave made this nice graph of our credit card spending.  I off the scale so you can't see how poor/rich we are. I think we need to cut back.  I guess we went overboard a little bit recently.  We can't blame it all on Christmas presents either.

Do you track your spending and compare months?  Do you stick to a specific budget?

We make all of our purchases on a credit card and we pay it off each month. Credit cards are better than cash or bank cards because you get better rewards.


  1. I have an idea in mind of what's too much and look at my balance about once a week and think about whether I'm doing good and can spend more or am spending too much and need to slow down.

  2. Colleen, what card do you use? My only credit card right now is just a bank credit card that I got before college - and I'm in the process of paying it down to zero.

    I'd like to get a new "grown up" credit card for the rewards, etc, but I have no clue where to start!

    I don't trust myself to pay off a credit card every month, though, so I don't know if it would even be worth the rewards.

  3. Ashley, Our main credit card is Amazon. Before that it was Citi Dividends cards but they stopped having as high a percent cash back or something.

    Amazon is 3% cashback at Amazon and my husband says that is like half his spending.

    I also have Discover (not charted) that we sometimes use if a store doesn't accept our main credit card at that time.

    When we got furniture and they had free interest for a year, we carried a balance but paid it off before the year was up. Same type of deal with my engagement ring and maybe one other thing. Besides that, we pay it off each month.
