Friday, January 7, 2011

Friend Friday: Blogger Comparison

1. Have you ever looked at someone's blog and thought yours will never measure up?
Not in the way that I would think their content is better but in the way that it wouldn't measure up because they got so many more readers.  Even from the beginning, I knew that some bloggers are strictly fashion and nothing personal and some are mostly personal with a little bit of fashion and some don't involve fashion. I like how I document my life, so I didn't want to change that.  I have often wondered how so many people will comment that someone is so funny when I think my posts are just the same as theirs. So either mine are funny and nobody tells me or I don't understand funny.

I mean I've been told my executive profile for NA-YGN is funny. You be the judge.

2. Do you (did you) feel pressure to meet some kind of undefined standard for fashion bloggers?
No. This is probably why I barely have any followers.  My standard is to post what I want to post. But I bet nobody really cares to see a stupid video of me when I was sick, but I posted it anyway.
3. Many established fashion bloggers are also extraordinary DIYers, bakers, and crafty people. Do you think you need to combine all of these things to be successful at blogging? Well I never used that to measure their success but I do all that stuff so maybe I will use that to measure success and now I win. Now if only success was a measure of how many pictures of your cat you have then I would definitely win.
4. The most successful blogs are the ones that have their own personal voice - how are you developing your voice or how did you find yours?
I always ramble. I still ramble. I guess that's my voice. I didn't find it. I always had it.  Maybe I need a better voice. But people who know me say I write how I am so it's true to me.

5. Toot your own horn... what's one thing you do that is unique to you and your blog? What gives your blog an edge?
I created the Color Rotation Challenge (but nobody did it so maybe that goes into the failure bucket). I'm doing another one of those in March or April. I need to do it over when the seasons change so that more types of clothing can be fit into it. I also need to do it when Kendi is not doing her 30 for 30.
I have taken daily pictures also known as outfit of the day (OOTD) photos for 5.5 years. I have not found a blog yet that has taken them for so long. (If you know of one, let me know.)
I even made a banner for my challenge. Everyone else does that, but I did not think I could do it. (It was much easier than I thought though.)


  1. Really nice blog and great answers....looking forward to your new upcoming challenge....just found you at FF and Im a new follower...nice to meet you:)

  2. I think Friend Friday is where I find a lot of people I follow (stalk)

  3. I like your exec profile. It makes me laugh because it's one of the most candid of all of them.

    I think that's one of your biggest strengths as a blogger - you hold very little back. You're very candid and honest, even with things that most people would keep back (being disappointed about things, admitting failures, etc.). That, to me, is awesome. I love reading your blog because even when I don't see you for weeks, it's like I've been able to be a part of your life.

    I also am impressed with your dedication to the challenges. I can't keep up with stuff like that - that's why my new years resolutions are super vague, and why I never finish anything otherwise. I lack sticktoitiveness (I know that's not a word). You don't, though. You have a strong will.

  4. Your color rotation challenge is a really great idea! Wonderful answers. It's nice to meet you, fellow FBFF member! :)

    Kirstin Marie

    P.S. I really like your header!!

  5. Thanks Brie.

    (I even posted pictures on my blog of my pants that didn't zip. I won't put the link here but I'm sure you could find it.)

    I tend not to hold things back. I've gotten burned in real life or feel I share and others don't and I know nothing about them.

    BTW at my secretary turnover meeting, I was showing Adam something and he saw my calendar site when I was in chrome. I felt the need to justify myself for like minutes. probably justifying myself was more embarrassing. I also showed him my blog. BTW I never met him before that meeting. I did tell him I was crazy. I hope he doesn't hold it against me.

  6. Kristin, thanks. You can join the challenge in the spring!

    Thanks about the header. I was so proud I made one. I went through and had 30 pictures that I cropped and editing trying to narrow it to 4. It was really hard to do.

  7. Hey Colleen,

    I love that your blog is you. The answers to those questions today were very raw and I appreciate that. I always compare my blog to others and that fact that you came up with that Color Rotation was brilliant and you have been doing this for five years. Dedication lady, dedication. Keep it up!! :-)

  8. I just read your profile - it is funny! I think a lot of your posts are humorous - even though you may not try to make them seem funny, you are incredibly candid and honest and that just tickles my funny bone some times! It almost seems like you have a very dry sense of humor, which I love (my mom had a dry sense of humor as welL!).

  9. Bre, thanks.
    I don't really think about what I say and I just say it. If I think too much about it and try to word it perfectly, it just takes too much time and loses half the meaning.

    Ashely, I did always wish I was funny. My grandma always said how my brother was funny. Everyone at work always tells me how my husband is funny. Someone did tell me I was the funniest person they know. But then when she told my biology teacher after about 4 months of having that teacher she said to me "i'm still waiting" sigh.

  10. Sorry that I have to post this as anonymous, but Colleen, I think you need to work on being funny, especially since you say that you want to be, and want more followers. I have read some of your past posts and no offense, but they're pretty boring and dry. I would get rid of the day-in-twitter posts, and less pictures of the same thing (20+ pictures of Polly in one post? too much).

    I think you focus too much on stats like "I went to bed at 11:24, and did this at 3:45" that most people don't care about. I know you have mentioned you want to keep this blog (and the day-in-twitter posts) as a record of what you do everyday, but most people are not interested in those details. Spare people the details, keep the posts interesting so that they'll come back to read more.

    I'm sorry if this comes across as mean-spirited or too critical, but I'm just trying to help you out, and so that you can become a better blogger with tons of followers!

  11. Anonymous, I think it only comes across as you don't really get it.

  12. Anonymous is not to be trusted. Anonymous does not understand the appropriate uses of "less" and "fewer."

  13. Five and a half years?! That's amazing!
    I wasn't around during your first Color Challenge, but I look forward to seeing it the next time around!
    (And I hope you don't take too much advice from anonymous commenters!)

    The Auspicious Life

  14. Thanks Linda. I'll be sure to post about it a few weeks in advance to give people time to start.
    Also I didn't take too much advice from anonymous; I just had 2 parties at my house so that's why my commenting lacked this weekend.

  15. I think your blog is a great reflection of you. I like that things crom across funny even though you don't try to be funny. I think its partly because people can relate. Keep up the fun blog!

  16. I want to know who Anonymous is.

    Considering that one of the most popular internet memes is photos of cute cats, I think that there's no such thing as too many pictures of Poly!

    And the stats interest me, even if I'm the only one. It's an internet stalker's dream, and I should know. ;)

  17. Anonymous,

    I didn't reply to this before because working on being funny and I didn't think my answer above meant that I wanted to be funny. I don't think I'm funny and it's not my personality (even though a few people over the years have told me I'm funny. I'm not). So then I read the comment that I had to work on being funny so I thought I had to be fake in some way to try to be funny and people who try to be something they aren't don't succeed.

    Since your post I stopped having individual pictures of my cat and will have collages so that was a change but I still have pictures of her. It takes up less room and loads quickly.

    I have actually tried to research getting rid of my twitter posts from my main page but keeping them as posts, but was unsuccessful so I didn't want to mention that.

    I would have replied directly to your comment if there was an email attached but sometimes I feel like if I try to defend my actions then people would just find more to criticize. Like the one episode of West Wing (

    Can you email me so I can talk to you?

  18. I don't think anon was trying to be rude but helpful. You seen like a very nice person from what I've read of your blog but honestly, of you want more followers/to be successful you need to decide whether youre writing for yourself or others.

    Every successful blogger curates what they put on their blog. It's not being fake, it's being selective. If they listed out the mundane tasks of their daily life less ppl would read. If you want your blog to be an online diary that's fine, but if you want more you need to understand what it is that makes other bloggers so successful.

    Again I would like to stress that you seem like a very nice, intelligent person.
