Friday, January 21, 2011

Friend Friday: Authenticity

This week Katy decided to focus on authenticity.  I think these were the hardest questions to answer yet.
Some of you may have read on my blog that I met with a researcher this week who was studying fashion blogs. At the end of the interview I asked her some of the common themes she was seeing through all her interviews. One of the most interesting things she said was that the majority of the people she has spoken to value authenticity in a blog but interestingly enough the definition of what makes something authentic varies greatly. So, of course... that got me thinking about FBFF questions for the week.
1. Most readers and fellow fashion bloggers value authenticity in the blogs they read. How would you describe blog/blogger authenticity?
I really don't even think I can describe it. I think by reading a blog you can tell if that's the person or if that's the person they are pretending to be.  I can't describe it at all though. Sorry.

2. When it comes to your blog how to you infuse it with that true/authentic feeling?
I make my blog me. I do not change it to be like someone else. I don't change my style based on blogs with lots of followers. I don't feel a certain type of blog is right or wrong; I just do it how I am. I write how I am. I include pictures. That is me. If you know me in real life, you know about my obsession with photos. If you know me in real life you know I love data and numbers. I believe all these things come across on my blog. I don't make my blog strictly a fashion blog. I don't make my blog strictly anything besides strictly me. (I guess being me isn't the best because I don't have a lot of followers but I'd much rather have the true followers that I have and that I share emails with than 5,000 followers that I can't communicate with.)

3. Have you stopped following a blog in the last three months? What made you lose interest?
Yes. But mainly I did not lose interest. I followed all of the 30 for 30 remixers and some of them I never got to looking at. Some never posted about clothes at all. I got rid of them.  There were a few that had really poor quality photos AND the style of clothes was totally not me so I stopped following them.  I need to unfollow a few more because I have over 1000 unread posts and I read at least 50 posts a day with some days reading 200.  I think I need to clean it out as best I can before the next 30 for 30 starts.

4. We can't communicate effectively on our blogs, something we don't live in real life... what are some ways you try to live an authentic life?
I maintain control of my life. I am genuine. I don't worry about all the little things.
I don't even know if that is what is meant by this question.

5. Give a shout-out... Which bloggers do you think are truly genuine and why?
Ashley of Ashley Getting Dressed - Awesome outfit locations and awesome stories. I laugh while reading. I love it.
Angeline of The New Professional - Outfits and advice. Asking questions. Answering questions in later posts. Responding to comments. I love how she responds to comments. It's my favorite thing ever.
Kimberly of Fashion Momma - The emails with Kimberly are amazing. I love that I made a new friend.  I get excited each time I go hours without reading twitter to see what else she has to say. Also Trendy Tots... love
Melissa of Miss Melissa - talked about gaining weight and ups and downs and dieting and this being the first year she kept it up. She also has awesome outfits and I love to read what she writes.
Liz of 26 and Counting - She wrote about wearing her pants that were too tight unbuttoned all day. I discovered this blog during the last 30 for 30.
Chrissy of The New Me - She posts about everything. She recently wrote about poop. Now how many people can pull that off.  She writes about running and yoga and answers all my questions.


  1. Okay, number ONE- what you said about me is SO flipping sweet. Thank you very much! I'm glad I've made a new friend, too!

    And as far as being "like other bloggers," you do the right thing, Colleen. The followers you WANT to gain are people that take you for who you are, and are intersted in the things YOU like and that you want to share- not what THEY like and they WANT you to share. :)

  2. Ha! Thanks for including me in this list. Authenticity is such an interesting concept when it comes to blogs. I consider myself more of the "healthy living" community than fashion (though I did just sign up for the next 30 for 30!) but I don't blog exclusively about anything. Sometimes I think not having a definitive niche makes my readership grow more slowly than other blogs, but like you I feel like I really know and appreciate the readers I have. Plus I can handle my traffic on a personal level - if my blog was huge, I wouldn't be able to respond to emails and comments, and I love that aspect of blogging!

    I think your blog is very authentic. You blog about a good mix of stuff and it's very YOU. I always know I'm reading your blog when a new post pops up in my reader, even before I look at the name of the photos. :)

  3. Chrissy, I don't think I'm a fashion blog. I guess I post about what I wear but then I write paragraphs on other stuff. But most of my readers seem to come during 30 for 30 or fashion things.
    I think I should start following more running blogs (I only follow about a half dozen that post about running.)

    I think the fact I post about a million things is the reason I don't get a ton of readers.

  4. I think a blog that tried to be inauthentic would be interesting.

  5. Thanks so much Colleen! Finding a balance between being 'real' on a blog without airing all my dirty laundry has been a challenge so I appreciate that you enjoy what I have to say :)

    Your answers are great as well!


  6. Love all the bloggers you listed in #5, well all but the last one, who I haven't checked out yet... but need to do that now. - Katy

  7. Aw, you're so sweet! Haha...I feel like my blog is just like me - I'm tangental, loud, and random in real life, and it would be way too hard to keep that under wraps!

    and oh my gosh, I just went and read that poop story...chalk that up to another reason running sounds miserable to me :)

  8. The more I think about it, the more I want to read a self-consciously inauthentic blog. How would you even make one? What would it look like? How could you sustain it? Having an authentic blog sounds like the easiest laziest way to do it to me now.

  9. I have just found your blog vi Friend Friday and you come across as very genuine. Your thoughts about bloggers replying to comments are very interesting to me and thought provoking x

  10. Mike, I think that's why I thought these comments were the worst to answer. What was I going to say that I wasn't authentic? Even if I did change what I do because I think something else is popular, would I say it?

  11. Katy, I found The New Me during 30 for 30 but she dropped out but I love her blog. She is doing the next 30 for 30. She is also running a full marathon in 10 days!

  12. GREAT answers!!! and hows your running going??? I am supposed to run today but am going to go for a long walk with my camera instead (lazy girl :)

    xox J

  13. Jodi, Thanks.

    It is not going well. It is too cold to run outside (and I'm a big baby and won't run in 4 degree weather). I have only been running 1x a week instead of 4. Thank you for asking. :(

  14. I wholeheartedly agree with your comment about have true followers. As exciting as it is to gain new followers, that's not my goal. I write for myself and I write as a means to entertain and inspire others. I want the people who follow to do it because they look forward to it, I'd like to think if we met in person we'd share a laugh or two, or bond over something!

  15. Fabienne Jach,
    I mean having followers is good and all. I used to keep wanting more, but realized that wasn't the way to go. I want the connectedness. I want the connection. I want a blogger to email me back when I email them. I want a reply comment. I want conversation. I love conversation.

  16. Sounds like we appreciate the same thing, Colleen:)
