Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Tips to Cut 500 Calories from your Day

If you cut 500 calories a day, you would lose 1 pound a week.
Here are some tips to cut calories.
  1. Attend a Body Pump Class (250 during class but an additional ~200 while your METs are elevated) and to warm up walk for 10 minutes on an exercise bike (50 calories)
  2. Run for an hour
  3. Drink Diet instead of regular Pop (~150 calories a can) and Use light wheat bread (70 calories for 2 slices) instead of white bread (140 calories or more for 2 slices)
  4. Use an exercise bike for an hour for over 250 calories.
  5. Use the smaller plates in your cupboard. Plates now are too large and we tend to fill them. 
  6. Drink a lot of water with your meal. This will make you feel full sooner.
I was going to type a lot more but keep getting distracted. 
It is January and everyone is trying to satisfy their New Year's Resolutions, but come February, most people will be sitting on the couch wishing they would do something. 

Every year in January the gym is packed. I hate it. But come February it is mostly back to how it was before.   I wanted to run yesterday but there were no treadmills. My friend said in the morning there were no treadmills either. 

If you want to make weight loss goals, make them realistic. I would also recommend training for a race (5k or 1 mile or whatever you would be able to handle) because once you have that goal in mind it is harder to quit going to the gym. 
I am addicted to the gym. It killed me in December to miss so much. I'm pretty sure all my coworkers know about my gym obsession, too. 

I don't set any New Year's Resolutions or workout goals because of the new year but I do constantly set goals throughout the entire year.  Last year my goal was to get a medal at a race. I ended up with 5. I need to figure out what goals to come up with this year. 

What are your tips to maintaining a healthy lifestyle? 

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