Friday, October 1, 2010

Day 1 - Pink (10.1.10) and Shopping

The first picture outside

Skirt, Shirt, Cardigan: Express - purchased over more than a 1 year span
Earrings: Kohl's (My first pair of dangly earrings. purchased prior to 2005)
Necklace: Target
Shoes: Famous Footwear

To celebrate Day 1 of my Color Rotation Challenge, I got daring and took pictures outside with my tripod. It wasn't so daring because I'm off work today. Usually I don't have that kind of time before work and after work I come home in workout clothes and it is dark.  It's not too late to join. You can join any time and start with any color.  If it was the middle of the summer I would have worn my white shoes (I did on August 6 and June 27), but it's not so I wore my black shoes. I need bright shoes or something.  What should would you wear with this?  It was 64 degrees today.

I wore this outfit to Famous Footwear, Target, Kohl's, TJ Maxx, and Sunoco.  (Gas was $2.75/gallon and I got $40.25 worth of it) I got home and was too cold with all the windows opened so I put on my PJ pants right away. Plus the shoes started the aggravate my bunion.
Famous Footwear: Replacement black heels and new running shoes.
Why is it that running shoes are all so ugly.  I only took my slim fit orthotics with me. I don't think my other orthotics will work. I tried on a ton of shoes. I put back all the shoes that I tried on but didn't like. Many other women there did not. It was so annoying. I almost did not have a spot to sit to try them on.

New Balance: 74.99 on sale for 69.99. I had a spend 75 get 15 off so end result was 59.59
Black shoes: on clearance for $30 but then with my coupon they ended up being $25.50

The rest was purchased at Target for a total of 142.97. (Counting gas, I spent $268.21... eek. my husband is going to stop telling me to buy as much as I want one of these days.)
I got tights per Ashley's suggestion the other day.
Somehow the 2 pack were $10 and the other ones rang up as $10 even though I swore the sign said $7.
I thought the purse was 20 and I liked it.  It was 29.99. I'm a little disappointed. I'm not sure how much I wear brown so I don't know if I should have gotten it.
Cardigan was on sale for 18. Now I have a cardigan that is brown... yippee.
I hate when I get to Target and then can't remember the kind of eyeliner or the kind of lipstick that I'm replacing.  This is the wrong eyeliner. I totally guessed buying lighter pink lipstick that Dave likes and both are wonderful.  I splurged and got the foundation thing for around my eyes. It's probably stupid. We will see.
I'm sick of having my brushes in a ziplock when I go to the gym so I bought this. It was an impulse buy for $11.99 but I did have reason for it.
 Black Necklace: 4.99
Earrings (that are longer than any other earrings I own by about double): 5.99
2 pairs of earrings (even though I'll probably only wear one): 4.99

 Oh I also bought a ton of easy mac and velveeta shells and cheese too.
Poly was jealous so I took her picture


  1. Thanks. I rarely dress in all brights. It just seems too out of place for at work when everyone dresses in all dark and dreary colors.
