Friday, October 15, 2010

Friend Friday: Blogging

1. How has your blog changed over the months/years you've been blogging? 
I now include pictures. I didn't when I started. 
I now use capital letters. I didn't when I started.  Granted it was a live journal when I started. 
I now write where I got my clothes and before I just took pictures and put them on my calendar site w/o linking them up with my blog.
There should be a question on here about what has stayed the same but there isn't so I'm writing it here. My goal is and has always been to make 1 post a day.  I average that at least. Scheduled posts have helped a lot with that lately.

2. What was one thing you did wrong in the beginning and how have you changed that? 
I have no idea. How can I pick just one thing.  At the beginning a decent amount of my friends had livejournals and we read each others and we didn't read others so I don't know. This was back in 2003.  I guess I can say only journalling instead of making a "blog."

3. When you visit a blog what's the greatest turn off? The thing that makes you close the tab? 
If music plays I'm gone. 

4. How did you find your voice? 
I have no idea if I even have.

5. If you had three pieces of advice to give to a new blogger what would those be?
Read other blogs. Find some sort of community.
Leave comments (and try to get comments).  Comments are like gold.
You won't have a million visitors or hits overnight. It takes time. Be patient.

What do you think? How has your blog changed? What is your greatest turnoff? What tips would you give new bloggers?


  1. I wrote a similar thing - community is so important. That's the main reason FBFF is so positive - there are some fab people taking part. I'm not sure if I've found my voice either, but I feel instinctively when some posts are more 'me'.

    Admire your goal to do 1 post a day. That'd be too much pressure for me! :)

  2. Yes, yes, yes to community. I mean, I know I started doing this because no one else I interact with on a daily basis loves/appreciates clothes the way I do, so why NOT seek out people who care online?!

    Also - the color rotation thing is just genius. I might have to try that sometime...

  3. Mrs Bossa - I'll have to check your post out. I started doing FBFF as a great way to be part of a community and it was fairly easy. I try to read at least the first 15 responses on Modly Chic's blog each week to see what others are saying. Sometimes I feel like I should comment more. Friday was a great day to pick because I could read on the weekend and I'm not way behind.

    1 post a day doesn't even seem like pressure but sometimes it takes me over an hour to write my posts because I detail my day TOO MUCH and so it's hard to post. I haven't detailed my life that much in awhile though. (Random one that is lengthy or this one

    Posting 1 a day is SO MUCH EASIER now that I post my outfits on my blog.

  4. Frances Joy - Do the color rotation. Use my banner. I'm trying to get at least one fellow blogger to do it. It is one of my goals in life.
    Getting people to love my blog is another and a coworker said she loves my blog so I have 1 so far.

    I agree about seeking people out online. I think i'm different than most "Fashion bloggers" I actually have a draft post about that but have been too afraid to post it.
