Shirt: NY&Co ($7 - June 2009)
Jeans: Express (years ago on sale and a coupon. - $23)
Belt: American Eagle Outfitters ($24.50)
Shoes: Famous Footwear - Nickles ($5)
Scarf: Charlotte Russe ($4.50
Total cost: $64. That belt really made my outfit expensive.
I went to take my picture out in the back yard but the neighbor 2 doors down was out grilling so I retreated and went to the privacy of my front porch. The Steeler game was still on so I thought no cars would drive by. I was right.
I actually love light colored jeans. I think they have been out of style for 3-5 years because they are impossible to find to buy. These have been stretched too much through the years when my waist was fatter so when I move it is hard to keep the back above my butt. This is why I don't wear them. It has been so long since I wore them that I forgot why. Otherwise I think they fit pretty nicely.
It was a little chilly outside to take my daily picture. I almost put on a cardigan as part of my outfit while getting dressed but it's warm enough in my house that I wouldn't have had it on more than 10 minutes.

Color Rotation Summary
- Pink Express Knit
- Red Express Cardigan
- Orange NY&Co Tee
If you combined the color rotation challenge with 30 for 30, you would have my entire wardrobe.
ReplyDeleteWell the 30 for 30 you can't repeat the same combination.
ReplyDeleteThis one I say you can't wear the shirt again.
Jen counted and she didn't even wear 30 different items to work so she said she was doing the challenge but i said she repeats outfits so it wasn't really counting.
Mike and Agnes are the only 2 doing the challenge. You should join in and take your picture and tweet it or upload it to picasa. I can share the album with you.
I think i would of worn brown shoes and not black with this outfit
ReplyDeleteNicole, I want to wear brown but then the stupid scarf had black in it instead of brown and I got flustered and wore black shoes PLUS my black shoes are comfy and in good shape and my brown shoes (that i wear with pants) are so old that the insole slides up and I don't want to have to throw them away before I find replacement shoes.
ReplyDeleteI was going to do a brown cardigan too (my new one).
Since I got confused with black in the scarf i went with a green belt instead of brown. I think even with brown shoes, I could have pulled off the green. Yay for another way to wear my green belt that I bought thinking it would be good to wear around Christmas.