Saturday, October 9, 2010

Photo of the Day - My wedding.

Most of you didn't know me three years ago I thought I'd share a few pictures from my wedding day.

On August 16, 2007, I was married.  We got married at the Poconos and two days later had a reception back home. The last picture is my favorite wedding picture and I don't know why. I'm about ready to pass out because it is too hot so my husband is helping me hold my dress up to alleviate some of the 7 lbs of weight from the dress.  My maid of honor took the picture while we were walking back to our room to change.  I don't have a wedding day post. The rooms didn't have internet. My husband and I joked that what were people to do without internet.

On our wedding night, I cropped pictures from the ceremony and my husband watched some sort of wrestling on TV.  I cropped the pictures so that after our drive home the following day, I could upload and order the pictures at Walmart to have them on display at the ceremony the day after that. I'm glad I did.

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