Wednesday, December 15, 2010

A Day's Worth of Twitter

07:30:37 AM - just ordered 2 replacement armband straps for my bodymedia fit. I hope they don't take long to ship.
08:21:27 AM - It should not take me an hour to get my laptop working in the morning. I'm still waiting for it to work.
10:01:30 AM - Especially on your last day before vacation when You need to get something major done. RT @briecs: I hate days when there is tech fail.
02:26:35 PM - My baby kitty is sleeping on me.
03:01:20 PM - I support my baby's little neck. Except I hear my cat isn't a baby. Still supporting her neck though.
03:03:57 PM - I couldn't find my camera but it was in my pocket.
07:45:57 PM - I just realized I didn't get dressed today. I meant to. I really did.
07:47:20 PM - @TheNewChrissy Now is the worst time of year. It is dark after work. It is dark before work. So hard to find time to run.
09:11:32 PM - @TheNewChrissy I haven't run outside in the dark yet but I did ask for a headlamp for Christmas. But up here it's like 2 degrees at night :(
10:05:12 PM - Blog post about data with my @BodyMediaFIT I love data.
10:28:27 PM - In the past few weeks I have lost 3 subscribers in google reader. I want to gain subscribers :(
10:29:16 PM - @FashionMomma22 I love the Sing Off. I am so impressed that there are no instruments. I'm in awe the entire show... every show.
10:35:53 PM - @FashionMomma22 I'm so impressed. I have no idea how people do that. I would love to see a capella group live sometime instead of on show.

You can find me as @smilincolleen on Twitter.

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