Sunday, February 20, 2011

Run - 9.18 miles

I went to North Park again today and ran.   I wanted to run 12 miles. I thought I'd run 7. I ran 9.18.


I ran very slow. I blame it on texting and running. It is very hard to do. Each quarter mile that I texted during, it added 15-20 seconds to my time.  I was texting the first 3 miles or so.
So here's why my run looks so weird.
I started running clockwise and was going to meet Christina.
She finally replied to my text and she was running clockwise.  Well that wouldn't work.
I switched to running counter clockwise.
I learned she was close to where I was. I stopped.  Well I realized later was because she didn't cut through the path I did and ran on Pierce Mill Road while I was on the other part of the loop.
So we ran until we met and then I turned around to run with her. We stopped at my car so I could get water. My arches were really hurting at this point. My slim fit orthotics were not treating me well.  Then we ran another mile to Christina's car. We did a little talking and then I ran back to my car.
My route was 9.18 miles.  A full 2 loops would have been 10 miles.
I'm glad I got in 9 but I wanted to get in 12.

Next weekend is a race. I could run 10, 15, or 20 miles during this race.  I think I can do 10. I want to do 15. There is no way I could ever do 20.  I wanted to run 12 today as better prep for the 15 mile run in a week. I wonder if I could do 15. I just don't know.

Recently I have had a longer run on the weekend and 1 other run during the week.  What race distance should I run this weekend?

Also, what I mean by my orthotics not treating my foot well is that the orthotics cut into my arch. It didn't really break the skin this time but I have major irritation (similar to in April).

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