Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Short Track Run and February 16.

Today Dave and I went to the track since the snow finally melted.  It was just a short run. I thought I'd get three miles in but Dave was done sooner so I quit. He said he would have waited in the car for me to run another mile but I didn't want to make him wait or take a chance on him being mad so I quit when he did.


Still a short run is better than no run.

Today I telecommuted.  I slept almost 10 hours and then got to work. I worked in my PJs. Then I ran, showered, and put on different PJs.  What a day.

At 3:00 the home inspector came to take pictures of all rooms in the house for the mortgage refinance or something. I wish I would have had more notice than when they showed up Dave said oh I forgot and told me about it. Then after he "remembered" he still forgot to mention that the guy had to take a picture in every room.  Dave answered the door not me so I continued to work. Then after having some computer troubles and I'm holding my head, I turn to the side and see the guy right there taking a picture of my craft room. I hope he wasn't there long.
Poly before lunch
Poly thought she was in her bag but if you look closely you can see she is under it.
Tonight we made mashed potatoes from red potatoes and steak.  I put my steak back on the stove for 4 or so more minutes. It wasn't well done enough for me. Dave likes his steaks more and more rare. He's at medium now but I like mine well so we might not be able to cook one steak and then cut it in half anymore.
We didn't end up eating until around 8pm. The days fly by.  We watched some TV and then it was time for bed (or time to write a post).

1 comment:

  1. Seriously one of the cutest cats ever. And I'm so impressed that you run so much! I just can't handle it. :)
