Wednesday, March 23, 2011

A Day's Worth of Twitter

01:00:42 AM - Eeek I stayed up too late again.
07:47:29 AM - Wow am I even more sore this morning.
12:30:56 PM - Man I wish I didn't keep forgetting to submit something. RT @_IFB: It's up! Links á la Mode:Tech Weekly Roundup on @_IFB edited by...
12:34:02 PM - @FashionMomma22 shoot I forgot lunch. And I'm in a doctors office waking room and they are over an hour behind
12:37:22 PM - @katy_rose1 rest up to try to beat it.
12:58:57 PM - @mikecherepko use chrome
01:00:24 PM - @mikecherepko Hahaha. I told you to use chrome before seeing this one.
01:02:04 PM - @twinmummyshoes I would have to layer and still might only have 1 choice
01:08:57 PM - Been waiting over an hour. This waiting room is putting me to sleep.
01:40:02 PM - Who knew there was such a day RT @mikecherepko: It's Chip and Dip Day @smilincolleen
01:48:10 PM - Just nodded off in the exam room while editor for the doctor
10:45:00 PM - I got a voicemail yesterday and never listened to it. I'm no good.
10:45:39 PM - I am going to bed. Should I workout in the morning? Should I run?

You can find me as @smilincolleen on Twitter.

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