Where did the name of your blog come from?
When I was in high school, I was very quiet and shy. I wanted to change this so I started doing things outside of my comfort zone and declaring that this was “the new me!” I had so many “new me” moments that it became a joke with my friends. When it came time to name my blog, I thought it was perfect. Even though I’m no longer quiet and shy, I’ve always got a new goal on the horizon.
When did you start your blog? Have you ever had any other blogs before?
I started blogging in 2003 while I was studying abroad in Ireland. I thought it would be a neat way to stay in touch with friends and family and document my adventures. When I came home, I kept up with the blogging. I originally blogged at a website called Diaryland, but moved to Blogger in 2005. Since I had graduated college at that point, I didn’t really want my college adventures to be so clearly linked to me, especially while job hunting!
What is the main goal of your blog?
To write about my life, share my adventures with others, and be a part of a community. I’ve met some amazing people through blogging and made some lifelong friends, which has been the biggest reward. I’ve kept journals since I was nine years old, and writing about my life is just something I need to do.
Did the intent or content of your blog change since you started?

How many hours per week would you say you spend blogging?
I probably spend about an hour a day writing entries and editing photos for my posts. So between 5 and 7 hours a week? I would like to spend more time writing posts that are thoughtful and interesting and researched, but working full time doesn’t leave a lot of time for that.
Do you spend more time reading blogs than you do writing your own blog?
Definitely reading blogs! I spend 40 hours a week at my desk job, and most of my work breaks are for blog reading. Google Reader is a lifesaver in that regard.
I am currently subscribed to 143 blogs in Google Reader. Each blog goes into a folder (Friends, Fun, Inspiration, Library, Political, Running, and Vegan). I am always up-to-date on the Friend folder, because I like personal blogs the best, and Running, because running blogs help keep me motivated.
Do people email you often because they read your blog?
Once in a while. I think you email me the most! I get more comments than emails, and I try to respond to everyone that comments, especially if they ask a question.
Do you communicate with a lot of your readers via email/IM?
Not really. I’m on Gchat most of the day, but I don’t think anyone has really IMed me. Then again, I usually have the red busy dot up because technically I’m working J. I think I communicate most often through Twitter. I’m a Twitter junkie and have it up on my computer all day long. That’s pretty much the best way to get in touch with me!
What is your inspiration?
I’m inspired by everything! But mostly I’m inspired by people who work hard and play hard. I really admire discipline and productivity, but only when it’s done in the name of something you truly love. If that makes any sense. J
I take a lot of photos and put most of them on my flickr account. My favorite recent one is here.{also to the right} It’s a fancy drink I had while on vacation in Florida with my sister. I mostly take photos of food and my dogs, but I’m trying to branch out!
What post are you most proud of? Did it get the most hits?
Two of my most popular posts are my race recap of the Warrior Dash and a recipe for Indian Samosa Casserole. I’m most proud of my guide to submitting work to literary magazines. It’s gotten a lot of views but very few comments, which is interesting. I thought it would get lots of comments since I put so much work into it. That’s okay – I’m glad people are reading it, even if they’re being quiet about it!
How do you juggle all your competing priorities and still have time to blog?

What is one interesting fact you’d like to share about yourself?
When I was in college, I had dreadlocks for three years. Most people are very surprised to discover that! I also have a Masters degree in Library Science, even though I’m not currently working as a librarian.
I notice that you post your writing goals and New Y ear’s Resolutions on your blog. Have you found that you stick to your goals/resolutions by posting them?
Oh, definitely. I like to review my New Years’s Resolutions a few times a year and that helps. The writing goals are new, but so far I’m finding that posting them really makes me feel accountable. When I make a plan for my writing, I’m much more likely to complete the goals. Otherwise, I just end up sitting at my desk and writing nonsense for 30 minutes.
What made you decide to run in 2008?

What made you keep going beyond a 5k?
I have a really ambitious personality. I just love goals and doing difficult things – I thrive on feeling accomplished. After the 5K I didn’t run much for a few months and I realized that I needed another goal if I was going to stick with it. I wanted to do a 10K next but there aren’t many races in my area, so I ended up training for a half marathon instead. For now, I’m happy with the marathon distance but I’m toying with the idea of triathlons and maybe an ultra marathon one day.
Does your family ever see you run a race?
No! I didn’t start running until long after I moved to Texas (my family is all in New York). I plan to run the New York City Marathon eventually, and I’m sure they’ll come out and see me run then. They aren’t super active, but they’re definitely proud of my accomplishments. (They also think I’m a little crazy, which is true.)
How do you fit in all of your exercise while still working and cooking so much?
I wake up early and work out before I have to be at my job at 8am. Usually, I am up at 5:15 and running by 5:45. Then I walk my dogs for 30 minutes and then I am barely at work on time. If I put off my exercising until later, it won’t happen. The only exception is my yoga class, which meets at 5:30pm.
I love to cook, but during the week my meals are pretty simple. I save the experiments and involved recipes for the weekend, when I have more time. If I post a recipe on my blog, chances are I made it on a Saturday or a Sunday.
So if you haven't done so already, go check Chrissy out and read her blog daily.
So if you haven't done so already, go check Chrissy out and read her blog daily.
Thanks so much for featuring me, Colleen! It is an honor to be your spotlight. I loved your questions and I love the photos you chose. Thanks for doing this! It's just one of the reasons I like your blog your so much. :)
ReplyDeleteThanks for answering all of them. I picked a wide variety of pictures.
ReplyDeleteIt actually took me an hour to choose. Most of that time was spent trying to figure out how to link to the flikr picture. At least I found it on your actual blog and didn't have to worry.
Chrissy is awesome!! Good choice on her being featured. :) BTW...I just added you to my Google Reader. :)
ReplyDeleteChrissy's blog is my favorite! She is also my favorite motivator. Yah for Chrissy!!! :) ~Bobbie
ReplyDeleteChip, hope you enjoy my blog. Glad you stopped over.
ReplyDeleteBobbie, Chrissy is such a motivator that I asked her to write a post to motivate me and others because I needed some inspiration to run. I was in a rut.
Thanks for sharing an interview with one of my very favorite people!
ReplyDeleteRachel, Thanks for stopping by.