Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Run - August 31 - 3.55 mi

iMapMyRun went bonkers at the end.
3.55 mi in 32:28
I didn't type my numbers and probably won't have time for awhile so I'll just use the iMapMyRun picture and say I think my pace was close to 9:20 until the thing went bonkers.  I did the math based on duration and it says my pace is 9:09 but I think it was closer to 9:30.  Why is my math different than the Nike+.

I'm so glad i ran some then recalibrated my nike+ for a mile because it was great. I would compare it to imapmyrun and it was plus or minus .01 at different times. Pretty darn good. better than 8-12% off.

I noticed while looking at my iphone that my pace always slows going down the hill I have to run down. I guess I don't try as hard.
My iMapMyRun won't talk to me anymore every 2 minutes. It is on. I need to figure out the problem. Does anyone know?


  1. I seriously cannot run! Even when I was at my fittest, I just can't do it. I wimp out a few seconds in. Weird, eh?

  2. Well I cannot handle tae bo or body combat where you have to kick and punch at the same time. I just can't figure that out.
    I also can't do yoga. So I think it's OK as long as you can do something.
