Cardigan: Express
Shoes: JCP
Necklace: Sears (9/4/10)
Tights: Target (11/7/10)
Tights... oh these were worse. I was scared all day that I looked awful. Tights just seem so wrong. Tomorrow I'm wearing pants to not even have to try to wear something new and different.
Man oh man checkered tights and red shoes just are so far out of my comfort zone.
Slightly out of comfort zone:
Dress (I started wearing dresses about 6 months ago with the exception of one dress I had 1 year before and only wore a couple times) I always liked dresses but swore they didn't fit me right.
Bold shoes. I only got red shoes in February. Before that all my shoes were black or brown. I even rarely wore nude or white shoes. RED shoes were quite out of my comfort zone. Then shoes with a bow were doubly out of my comfort zone. Now I bet I average red shoes once a week.
Look at my nice red coat. I wish it was as long as my teal coat. I wish that it was longer than my dresses/skirts. Usually I avoid wearing it with skirts because I feel it is at an awkward length.
I got to work later than I wanted because of that Steeler game last night. Late night games are too late at night. I didn't workout yet. As soon as I'm done with this post I'm going to watch TV (hopefully 2 episodes) and use the exercise bike.
I worked 10.5 hours today so if I get to work a little late on Thursday, I can still make it to the gym. and not feel guilty. OK I'll probably still feel guilty. I tend to feel guilty when I work 15 hours in a day because my work is never done.
Today at work I had a meeting in building 6. It was stressful getting there. I walked up the steps and then my badge didn't let me in so I had to go down, take the elevator up, and then wait for someone to let me in. Stress city.
On my way to work, I had to follow a tractor today. It went very slowly in case you were wondering.
When I got home from work, Poly was holding Dave down so he couldn't move so I had to bring his dinner over to the chair.
After Dinner Dave was getting ready to play his new video game and Poly tried to steal his headset.
Dave moved the chair closer to the TV so he can see better.
What do you think of the challenge so far? I'm already trying to go out of my comfort zone to leave some basic outfits that I know about for later. Tomorrow I telecommute so I will be wearing jeans.
Time to go workout.
BTW I had 9 DiBella's cookies after dinner for anyone who is counting.
Colleen, this outfit is great! Haha, you shouldn't have felt so uncomfortable, it's honestly probably my favorite outfit I've seen on you! (I would say it's a tie between this and the outfit from the other day when you were wearing the orange top with the blue cardigan). I know it's sometimes tough being the only trendy person at work, but hey! Someone's gotta do it, and it might as well be you! Sheesh, if I dressed like all my coworkers I'd be wearing a company-provided polo and khaki pants every day - BORING! Keep it up, and keep getting out of your comfort zone - you're good at it! (PS, I bought a pair of mustard yellow tights yesterday - now THAT's out of MY comfort zone!)
ReplyDeleteThank you.
ReplyDeleteI did notice when I first started where I work 4.5 years ago that I would have stuff and slowly a few months later I'd see people with the same type of shirt/pants (but different prints) that I have. I even commented to the people I ate lunch with about it. I'm less observant anymore so I don't know if people wear what I wear or maybe it's also because I don't really go down to lunch and the cafeteria isn't set up in a way to notice everyone walking by.
I'm surprised those 2 outfits are your favorite.
BTW this is the dress that I commented about in one of your posts recently. It's pretty long for a dress that I ordered online.
Next time I am self conscious I should take my picture with my camera that automatically uploads to my picasa so then I can email it to non-work people I know asking if it's OK. well I better do that in advance because if people tell me it is bad then I'm stuck all day hiding in my cube.
I love love love this outfit. The more I look at it, the more I like it. I am so sad you don't like it.
ReplyDeleteI want more lazy pants, lol. You keep on dressing up nicer, and I'm trying to figure out how to look like I'm dressed up without wearing dressier clothes. I hate wearing dress pants and skirts and stuff. I just want jeans and polos and sweaters.
If tights or panythose fit (which sometimes they don't as I think I've posted about) but if they fit, then a skirt combo is way comfier than jeans to me. and then i think i look better in skirts and I just like them. all but like 3 of my pairs of dress pants look too big so then I hate them.
ReplyDeleteI never wear polos. I owned two in 2005. I still own them. Maybe i would incorporate them into layering when this 30 for 30 is over. Remind me.
ReplyDeleteWhen you figure that out let me know.
I love polos. I just wish there were more that didn't have stupid cap sleeves. Cap sleeves are the devil. Skirts always make me feel too exposed for work or feel like I'm stumpy and short. A lot of my dress pants are uncomfortable. Also, I hate wearing pantyhose most of the time because it divides my belly into rolls of doom.
ReplyDeleteDave: My first acquisition has been these awesome pants from NY&Co I got that feel like yoga pants, but are actually dress pants. They are fantastic. I've also started integrating corduroy because they're basically jeans, only dressier (in MY opinion), even though everyone else hates on them.
That color looks really good on you! And I know what you mean about coats being an awkward length. I hate that! Looks like you're off to a great start with the challenge. Can't wait to see more.
Brie, I'll answer for Dave since he's on lunch break. OK I am too but mine is at the computer. He has Synergy pants that are super comfy and they stopped making them that way. I keep sewing his. They are super old. He has corduroy pants but I don't think he ever wears them.
ReplyDeleteKendra, I love red. It is my favorite color to wear. My favorite color in general is purple and that's my 2nd favorite color to wear. (Note I wore purple on Day 1 of the challenge and wore red on Day 2)
You didn't go out of your comfort zone in vain! This is a super classy, great outfit!
ReplyDeleteYes, yes, yes! I love the patterned tights and red shoes! fabulous :)
ReplyDeleteOK so maybe I shouldn't be afraid to wear tights again.
ReplyDeleteSo pretty! I love that color of red and it looks beautiful on you. Great tights too!
ReplyDeleteI have a link up for gals like you who coordinate jewelry with their outfits. Come link up!
I LOVE LOVE LOVE your red heals, they're stunning!
ReplyDeleteAnd I'm glad to see you're also a cat person. Poly is too cute :)
Thanks. I wanted basic red heels but was having no luck so I saw these. The bow was very much outside of my comfort zone but my friend talked me into them. Every time I wear them at work I get comments about the Wizard of Oz/Dorothy though.
ReplyDeleteBefore May of this year I was not a cat person. Cats used to scare me.
I love this outfit! I love being match-y match-y too! I can't help it! On my day two I did the same thing with red and black matching-ness. It's awesome!